Un-Fabricated Paradox

- I must note, this is the first and last post that will actually contain that which is true, a regular paradox, not fabricated ones which this blog shall contain herein from (ha). Thanks for your explicit understanding.

In the past, I imagined the future of Williamsport full of life, with a Starbucks, downtown movie theater, and people laughing and playing in the sand along the Susquehannah. Strangely, much to my surprise, off on a tangent gone awry, against all odds and firmly pressing upon all my previous beliefs and conscious ponderings of that which could possibly be true, I was wrong. I was wrong to believe these things would never come to fruition, but they will, and they have. This is how my secluded world first began to turn for the better...the Downtown Williamsport Revitilization Project has begun, and still has me in disbelief.


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